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Change My DBA or Legal Name

Tell us about yourself as the individual making this request:

Tell us about your organization:

What is your organization's new name? (Please indicate if this is a DBA and/or Legal Name Change below.):

Were you issued a new Federal EIN/TIN with this change?

I have a new Federal Tax IDMy Federal Tax ID is not changing

Please upload your supporting documentation for this request.

If your request is to update your Legal Name:
  • Please upload documentation provided by the IRS which displays your new Legal Name and your organization's Federal EIN/TIN.
If your request is to update your DBA Name please provide one of the following:
  • Updated business license Board meeting minute noting the DBA name change
  • Board meeting minute noting the DBA name change
  • Pre-printed voided check with new DBA Name and your address
  • Request a ‘Bank Letter’ from your bank that outlines your current account information along with your new DBA Name